Saturday, June 15, 2013

32 weeks

Hello baby.
Here's to another milestone.

Right after my cerclage episode at weeks 25..
Week 32 seems soooo far away..

To be honest, I was so scared and paranoid most of the time..
Still is.. But we'll just have to pray harder and keep our fingers cross okay baby.
Hang tight in there.. A few more weeks and you'll be safe and sound in mummy's and daddy's arms
InsyaAllah :)

Yesterday, finally you allowed us to have a peek at you..
Dah a few times we wanted to have a 3d/4d scan tapi baby shy shy..
Mummy and daddy is still very much in awe..
Mummy has been staring at your 3d picture probably 800 times already.. Hehe
Daddy has been playing it more cool.. But i'm sure he's just pretending and will sneak a peek bila mummy tak nampak.. Hehe..

Everything is so far so good..
Except the bloody huge fibroid (now at 20cm!!), we're doing good baby..
Cuma baby kecik sikit.. Tapi mummy plak makin membesar..
Oh no.. Let's just get fat together ok baby..
Please eat more.. You definitely need them more than mummy.. ;)

Till I write again.

*syukur alhamdulillah di atas segala nikmat dan kurniaanMu Ya Allah. We have much to be thankful for*

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

baby boo

Hello baby..
Lama dah kan mummy tak update kat sini..

We had a big scare last 2 weeks..
Well.. I did.. Cause doctor kata baby tatau ape yg tgh berlaku kat "luar" and happy golek2 kat dalam :)

We survived.. yeayy..
Syukur alhamdulillah..

Mummy is still on mc..
I've been on bedrest for more than 1 week last week..
Seb baik ade atok datang temankan..
Kalau tak time daddy gi keja tinggal la kita ngan Hiro/ Tum2/ Chalie

I can feel your punches/ kicks/ somersaults more and more now..
And i really can't stop smiling everytime..
Believe it or not any movement from you really made my day..
But sometimes you're a bit shy..
Bila mummy letak tangan daddy terus baby dah takmo kick..
Daddy plak tak larat nak letak tgn dia lama2 sebab dia perlu 2 tangan nak main game kat iphone :P
Tapi takpe.. mummy ade byk mase nak layan baby kan..

Last week mummy was still traumatized..
And everyday mesti paranoid..
But alhamdulillah this week I'm getting better..

So baby behave ok..
I know you can't wait to see mummy and daddy.. As we can't wait to see you little one..
But we have to be patient okay..
Biar baby stay inside mummy cukup 9 bulan 10 hari insyaAllah.. And then when you're fully "cooked" you can come out anytime you're ready okay..

Minggu nih nak masuk minggu 28 dah..
Tambah tolak tinggal lagik 10 minggu jek lagik baby..
Eekkk.. how exciting..

Barang baby byk gak belom beli nih..
Sebab tu baby jgn kuar awal sangat tau ;)
Hari tuh mummy and daddy cadang nak pegi all out kat expo tu..
Tapi dah kita ditakdirkan kena bedrest takde la expo..
But dun worry.. Tak pegi expo pon mummy and daddy akan beli everything we plan for you okay..
Baby just need to keep growing healthily, be safe and happy okay..
Lain semua mummy and daddy kautim..

Owh.. hari tuh mase follow up check up..
Mummy ngeri jek nak naik mesin timbang tuh kan..
Sebab kita kan asek makan tido lepak jek atas katil dah seminggu lebih kan..
But surprisingly mummy turun 1 kilo!!
tapi baby naik dekat 600 gram!!
Weehhuuuuuuuu.. Hehhehehe..
Mummy rase that's the power of susah hati tau.. Huhuhu.. Sebab mummy kan asek susah hati jek risaukan baby lepas cerclage tuh kan.. Tu yg bole kurus tanpa berusaha tuh.. Hehe...
Tapi lepas nih mummy takmo susah2 hati dah..
Kita doa and tawakal byk2 ok..

Till i write again..
I love you baby..

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

First kick

..for your daddy :)

At almost 26 weeks.. finally your daddy can feel you too little one..

The feeling is priceless! :)

Mummy has been feeling you from inside for a few weeks now..
But normally you're such a good baby and gerak pon pelan2 jek ;)
So kalau mummy letak tangan kat perut pon takleh rase..
And on a few occasion daddy letak tangan pon confirm la dia tak rase punya..

But last night.. I can feel your kicks (or elbow or butt or something.. hehe) a little bit harder..
Tapi bila letak tgn daddy you stop kicking altogether. Hehe..
Shy one is it?

But mummy insist daddy tunggu kejap..
While mummy pujuk2 baby..
And suddenly you award daddy with 2 prominent little kicks.
Hehehe.. Daddy is so happy..

Sekarang kejap2 je nak letak tgn kat perut.. Hehe..

Tapi mummy tak sihat sikit these 2 days..
Sakit perut (maybe very bad angin.. or food poisoning)..
Hopefully its not bothering you too little one..

Sabtu ni kita gi jumpa Dr Dev okay.
Can't wait to see you again..

Sunday, April 14, 2013

6 months & a fibroid

Hello week 24 :)

Last saturday we to see Dr. Dev again.
Cause mummy had a consistent pain my right side pelvic area.
Kalau duduk lama or jalan lagik la extra sakit..
Actually nak dekat seminggu dah sakit.
Memula tuh tahan la jugak kan..
Tapi lepas tu tak ilang2 pon sakit tuh mummy risau la plak..

So we went to see the doctor again..

So what's causing the pain?

As expected --> My fibroid

Doctor said it's "degenerating"
Owk owhhh..
I read in the internet kalau fibroid degenerate pain level adelah 10! *gulp*

Tapi doctor kata it's still mild..
Kalau teruk baru kena warded *gulp*
Basically it means that the fibroid is growing faster the the blood supply..
So bila "dia" tak cukup darah tuh yg sakit tuh.. Huhu..

Doctor kata jgn risau..
Aside from mummy being in pain.. It's not in anyway bothering you baby dot..
That is all mummy needed to hear anyway..

So doctor pon tanak recommend any painkillers for the time being..
Instead he prescribe me 1 week MC suh berehat jek!
Did you hear that baby?
1 weekkkkk... wehuuuuu..

But I wont be utilizing the whole 1 week baby..
Mummy kena pulun buat keja before we celebrate your arrival soon..
Tapi dah doctor suh berehat.. rugi la plak tak mc langsung kan..
So today that's what we gonna do..

Berehat kat umah on a monday..
Best.monday.ever! :)

Keep kicking baby..

Monday, April 8, 2013

22 weeks and loving it

Helo baby.
Mummy and daddy is so happy we've got to see you last saturday.
We have to say, you are indeed on your best behaviour that day..
(as at date, you've always been on your best behaviour. Sometimes mummy wish you kick me a little harder.. err.. but i think i'll take that back.. One of my friend said soon I will feel your sidekick, boxing, turning and somersault and I may want to be careful what i wish for.. hehhehe)..

The picture of you sucking your own thumb while moving a little bit here and there is so priceless..
But the print out of ur scan session semua angle tak best.
Mummy totally blame daddy for not recording that day..
Can't wait for our next visit. and this time mummy will make sure daddy records it ok.

We got to know your gender already.
Both of us are very2 happy.
Cant wait to buy more things for you..

On a different note, today i would like to tell you more about your daddy.
Honestly baby, I hit jackpot when i fell in love and marry your daddy.
Although i dont always say it to his face (kang dia riak bahaya plak :P), he is indeed one super awesome guy..
And you will be lucky to have him as your daddy (as I am lucky to have my abah :))

Before my pregnancy, admittedly memang mummy manja and mengada2 pon.. (cause daddy let me be :P).
Tapi bila pregnant mmg makin menjadik2 okey.. Hehehhe..

Daddy has been so loving, caring and attentive throughout my pregnancy..
At times, he can also be a tad annoying but most of the time he's the most patient and caring person untuk melayan kerenah mummy. Hehe..

Sometimes mummy complain kat dia that he's not doing enough reading to educate himself in preparation of your arrival..
Most of the time he ignored mummy.. pfftt!
he said he know what to do without needing to read stuff.. Cehh.. so ekshen right?

That day he bought the "food wash" tanpa di suruh..
Sebab dia kata mummy suka makan buah.. so kena make sure buah2an tu semua basuh bersih2..
Awww.. so sweet..
Sampaikan the next day dia terlebih efficient pegi rendam buah anggur mummy sampai lembik..
Tapik sebab it's the thoughts that matter, mummy senyum jek la.. (tapi mummy tak lalu nak makan anggur lembik so kita buang kat office je okay ;)).. hehehe..

Pehtu sekarang pagi2 daddy yg akan kupas and bekalkan buah2an ape yg mummy pilih nak makan..

Daddy: "Bini nak buah ape hari nih?"
Mummy:"Pamelo, oren 1 and mangga 1"   (yee.. banyak kan kita makan baby. hehe)
Daddy:"Aaa.. ite tak reti potong mangga. Makan la oren 2!"

Hehehe.. sweet kan daddy. But dun worry. Daddy potongkan oren jek.. Mangga mummy potong sendirik. Kang kalau peeler tu kena tgn dia mau sampai petang kita nak kena layan dia membebel. hehehe..

Pehtu skrg mummy mmg malas masak.. err.. actually sebelom pregnant pon mummy takde la rajin sgt nak masak pon kan :P.. Skrg nih mmg sekali sekala jek la mummy masak.. Kasik daddy teringat2 masakan2 mommy yg awesome tuh.. sebab tuh takleh masak selalu.. hahahha..

Kalau takat goreng2 sekarang mmg daddy take over la..
Kadang2 kalau nak makan roti ngan telur or roti ngan sausage pon daddy masakkan pagi2..
Macam mana la mummy tak cair kan..

Cuma mummy nak pegi holiday jek daddy takmo bawak.. Huhuhu..
Jenuh dah mummy pujuk dia..
Paranoid rupa nya daddy kamu..
Mummy ajak pegi Bandung jek pon.. bukan ajak pegi London pon..
Tapi still dia takmo bawak.. Huhuhu..
Dia kata tunggu baby lahir nanti baru kita continue holiday kita..
Please remind mummy if I forgot.. Make sure he keep his words after you're born okay..

Nanti mummy continue lagik..
Take care little one..

Monday, March 25, 2013

19 weeks

Hello baby.
Lama mummy tak update kan.

Muntah2 dah sgt berkurangan..
Sekali sekala muntah manja maybe seminggu 2-3 kali tuh masih okay la tu..
Bawak bersyukur kan.. :)

Walaupon dah tak muntah..
Tapi nowadays mummy akan cepat fatigue..

After a day's work at the office..
Masuk jek kereta daddy by 6 pm dah lembik melepek..
Why lar..

Tapi tetap bersyukur..
Sebab dah ilang muntah baru la dtg fatigue..
Kalau dulu muntah2 and fatigue lagik la lembik agaknye kan..

As for you..
I (think) I can now feel you move..
Not yet the kungfu master type..
Baru lite2 jek..

Ini la dia kot yg org mentioned "blub2" or bubbles tuh..
Ntah2 it's just angin..
But i think it's you..
Saying "Hello mummyyyy"

Next week baru kita jumpa Doctor Dev lagik..
Lambat nye laa nak menunggu 2 minggu nih kan..
Cause I missed seeing you in the little black screen..

Nowadays mummy so busy reseaching this and that for you..
Mummy and Daddy wants the best for you.. (within our kemampuan of cos)..
Ade hikmat we have to wait for a while for you to join our lives..
Now we have more experience (tipu. mana ade experience nak oi.. confirm mummy menggelabah time dlm pantang and daddy has to work and it's just the 2 of us.. heheheh).. more love.. and more money.. Alhamdulillah.. Syukur sgt pada Allah..

Last weekend we bought the first item for you..
Your own baby closet!

Okla.. technically it's for mummy to store your baby clothes and baby stuffs..
But it is still consider for you la kan..
Kalau tak takkan nak letak baju baby dlm bakul tempat tido TumTum kot? Hehe..

And punya la excited shopping..
Sampai mummy and daddy terbeli terus set baru utk bilik tido kitaorg sekali.. ahahhaha..
Takpe.. nanti kita beli matching crib untuk baby ok..

I love you baby.
Stay safe and keep growing healthy.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

15 weeks

It'`s been a while.
Sorry sayang mummy's been to mabuk and too lazy to jot down my thots..

Even at 15 weeks..
I still have nausea most of the time..
Luckily the actual barfing have reduce to 1-3 times in a day..
It used to be 4-5 times a day..
So I'll take 1-3 times a day gladly.. Huhu..

Last week..
Mummy had a scare little dot..
Eversince i know I'm pregnant with you, I've become more and more paranoid..

Tetiba satu hari tuh rase mcm mild cramping..
Padahal since I awal2 pon tak pernah rase macam tu..
Walaupon pain threshold takde la sakit sangat, but it's enough to make me and daddy worried..
Especially lepas 2 hari pon ade rase mild cramping jugak.

But the thing was..
I might have been imagining it on the first place..  Hehe..

Ye la.. biasa kita kan jumpa Dr. Dev every 2 weeks..
Tapi sebab dah past 12 weeks.. Dr Dev cakap no need to see him as frequent..
Once a month jek jumpa dia..

Rase lamaaa gila nak abeskan 1 month to little dot..
So balik keja tu terus kitaorg gi clinic..

Scan machine tu plak dah kategori wargaemas..
Doctor tu terpaksa switch on switch off 2-3 kali before it can actually work.. Hahaha..
But nevertheless.. Dr. said you were healthy and happy inside there..
No visible bleeding or whatnot.. We can clearly seen your heartbeat.. (Tapi scan machine nih tak power mcm kat sepital punya)..
And mummy was facing the other way so I did not get to see you as much as daddy did..
Sebab daddy dok sebelah doctor..

Daddy confirmed what the doctor saw/ said..
At one point he can clearly see you in your full baby form..
Mummy jeles sbb mummy tak dapat tgk sangat.. Hehe..

Anyway, next week sabtu kita pegi jumpa Dr Dev ok..
Hopefully by then we'll be able to see whether you're a gegirl or a boboy..
Honestly.. Mummy doesnt really mind as long as you're healthy and happy..
But i have a feeling that I'm carrying a girl..
We'll see soon enough okay :)

At 15 weeks..
Some if not most people can already feel their babies moving..
My experienced frens describe the feeling as "blub blub blub".
Macam ade bubble coming from inside..

Mummy is trying my best not to panic..
Cause mummy pon tak sure ade rase ke tak..

Nevermind little dot..
When you're ready I'm sure you'll let me feel you inside me :)

Can't wait to see you through the scan machine soon..