Here's to another milestone.
Right after my cerclage episode at weeks 25..
Week 32 seems soooo far away..
To be honest, I was so scared and paranoid most of the time..
Still is.. But we'll just have to pray harder and keep our fingers cross okay baby.
Hang tight in there.. A few more weeks and you'll be safe and sound in mummy's and daddy's arms
InsyaAllah :)
Yesterday, finally you allowed us to have a peek at you..
Dah a few times we wanted to have a 3d/4d scan tapi baby shy shy..
Mummy and daddy is still very much in awe..
Mummy has been staring at your 3d picture probably 800 times already.. Hehe
Daddy has been playing it more cool.. But i'm sure he's just pretending and will sneak a peek bila mummy tak nampak.. Hehe..
Everything is so far so good..
Except the bloody huge fibroid (now at 20cm!!), we're doing good baby..
Cuma baby kecik sikit.. Tapi mummy plak makin membesar..
Oh no.. Let's just get fat together ok baby..
Please eat more.. You definitely need them more than mummy.. ;)
Till I write again.
*syukur alhamdulillah di atas segala nikmat dan kurniaanMu Ya Allah. We have much to be thankful for*