Monday, January 21, 2013

Another spotting episode

Yesterday I got another spotting episode.
Pehtu terus rase mcm ade mild cramping.
Tapi mcm tak berapa sure sgt, ye ke cramping nih?
Ke angin? Ke aku nak terberak? Huhuhu.

Husband offer nak bawak pi sepital..
Tapi iols kata let's not panic.
My motherly instinct (wah gittew) told me that the baby's fine..
Lagipon esok pagi mmg nak pegi jumpa Dr. Dev pon..
So let's just wait until tomorrow..

So i put myself on bed/home rest today..
Naseb la kerja2 yg menimbun kat office tuh..
Kesian boss aku sebab team dia semua on mc..
2 of my collegue baru lps tonsil surgery..
Iols plak due to pregnancy..
Since ni spotting lagik ade harapan doctor extend mc aku sampai lepas 1st trimester besok..

Hari nih i attempted to work from home..
In between the nausea and the laziness..
Hopefully boleh la..
Daripada tadik asek procrastinate :P

And since yesterday takde spotting dah which is good..
Maybe yesterday my body was telling me to slow down..
Sebab kalau pegi keja biasa la dengan discussions, dengan back to back meetings, ngan kerja lagik..
And iols kalau dah keja tak sedar diri sikit.. Huhuhu..

But lucky i got the nausea..
At least takde la risau sgt pasal baby..
Nowadays hari2 confirm muntah.
Tak banyak sikit..

Keep growing healthy baby..
Mummy will see you tomorrow okay..

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Barf-ing Mania

Yesterday I made my own puking history.
I barfed out 3 times in one day. Nice. NOT!
And in between those i barfed out air and water as when there's no more food to come out..

Seb baik by malam tuh can stomach and maintain inside bubur with the help of ginger ale..

The thing is..
I made a promise to God..
That when the time comes for me to get pregnant..
I would not complaint (much) when I got morning sickness..

Nampak sgt I don't know what nonsense I'm talking about :P

But I'm trying my best..
Not to complaint much..
Except for the occasional whining to the father of my baby..

I think yesterday's episode was triggered cause i ate durian..
3 ulas in 2 days time jek kot!
Not even near of the amount I consumed when I was not pregnant..

Dah la durian paket jek pon..
Pehtu masuk dalam freezer dulu sebelom makan..
tapi nampak nye takleh jugak kan..
Padan la dengan muka sendiri.. Huhuh..

Owhh.. but it was sooooo sedap it was worth every puke okay.. :)

So maybe no more durian for now..
Tak lalu iols nak ngadap mangkuk toilet jek..

But I'm nauseous all the time now..
Must be because my baby's has grown..
People said it was a blessing..
To experience morning sickness..

And if this is an indicator my baby's telling me he/she is okay..
I'm embracing this "blessing"
(with as minimum whining as possible :P)

This wednesday I'm gonna get to see my baby again..
Can't wait.

Later peeps~

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Morning Sickness Europe Time

It's been quite a while since I last update here.
So far my journey has been awesome.

Ok la tipu..
Not that awesome..

I feel nauseous MOST of the time now..
Since this baby was made in Paris (I think. If not Paris it would be Venice kot. Tengok la esok dia kuar rupa org French ke rupa org Italy. Hahahha.. Gurau tu gurau :P)

I used to only get morning sickness in the evening..
So i jokingly told husband.. Must be because the baby's made in Europe.. so it follows Europe time..

Tapi sekarang morning sickness dah ikut Malaysian time, Europe time plus American time pon skali agak nye.. Huhuhu..
Most of the time I will be green trying to hold back the feeling to barf..
As at date, I only actually muntah 4 kali jek (which felt like 4 times too much. Huhu)

I'm almost in my 10 weeks now.. Kalau ikut kiraan first day period.. nak masuk 11 weeks dah alhamdulillah..
I'm gonna share our good news with you soon okay..
Sekarang pon most of my family members, goodfriends and officemates dah tau..
Sebab kan MC lama sgt kan..

This week I'm still on mc..
Tapi hari ni jek kot I utilise.
Dun wanna push my luck too much so I'm making sure I had enough rest..

No more spotting episode so far.. Which is good..
And the fact that I'm having frequent morning sickness is good too.. It's a sign the baby's fine..

Aside from the anticipated morning sickness..
I am soooooo hormonal right now..

Aku nih dah mmg cembeng to begin with..
Tapi nih mmg cembeng kuasa tiga okay..

Tengok citer sedey sikit dah dah melalak2 mcm kan aku yg berlakon..
Tengok citer terlampau happy sampai aku terharu pon aku melalak jugak..
Tengok citer bersemangat mcm org menang contest ke ape ke aku meleleh air mata jugak..
Kah kah kah..
Leman is having a field day menjadikkan aku bahan gelak.. Cis..

Other than that it's fun being pregnant..
Perut aku 10 minggu sama macam perut 2 officemates aku mase diorang pregnant 4 bulan..
Demmm.. Ye la kan.. Sebelom pregnant pon aku mmg dah mcm org pregnant 2 bulan so what do i expect kan.. hahahhaha.. Tak lama lagik baju2 keja aku tak muat la.. Sekarang pon seluar keja dah sendat.. Kalau pakai baju kurung pon dah takleh nak zip kain sampai atas.. hahhaha..

As long as my baby's healthy, I'm good..
Our journey is still so far..
Please pray for us ya.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Spotting episode

Dah lama tak update kat sini.

Kelmarin ade brownish/ pinkish spotting sket..
Memula iols tak panic.. Tapi bila bagitau kawan2 rapat diorang dok suruh gi check ASAP..
Sebab mmg iols nak gi Dr. Dev pon the next day tuh..
So rase mcm.. takyah la panic kan..
Tapi bila kawan iols memanickan iols..
Iols pon terus la pegi Twin Tower Medical Centre..

Request nak doctor pompuan..
Terus tetiba doctor nak tgk kemaluan..
Aiyoooo... I'm soooo not ready tetiba nak tunjuk kemaluan kan.. Hahahahha..
Nak buat camne.. ku sua kan la jugak.. :P

Thankfully no more bleeding..
Tapi dr kasik mc suh balik rest terus.. And next day dia kata pepagi terus straight gi jumpa doctor.. and for today if anymore bleeding straight pegi ER mana2 spital..
Aiyoo.. scary la plak..
Elok2 aku tak brape panic tadik skrg dah panic..

Hari nih dr. dev tak masuk Tropicana Medical Centre (TMC)..
Kitaorg nak gi carik dia kat Assunta tapi dia dah fully booked..
Since hari nih mmg nak kena pegi amik injection kat TMC, iols saje2 la tanye kaunter tu kot2 ade gynae mana2 yg free tengahari tuh.. Sbb iols nak scan jek pon..
Seb baik dr Navdeep free..

So petang tuh pegi la jumpa dr. Navdeep..
Iols tak panic sgt sbb mase scan last 2 weeks pon Dr. Dev dah cakap nampak bleeding kan..
Cumanye bleeding tuh tak pernah kuar kat spender.. (kalau kuar pon sikit gilee.. malam tadik punye lebih sikit, 2 kali lap pon ade lagik.. huhuhu)..
Dr. Navdeep cakap meh kita buat tummy scan dulu, kalau tak nampak baru kita buat Transvagina scan..

Iols pon baring..
Dr. Navdeep nih pon baik.. (and cute :P)
Tapi tetap lah Dr Dev yg menjadi pujaan hatiku.. Hehe..

Dr. scan tummy.
And on the screen..
I see my little one..

In 2 weeks time it's grown!!
Macam tak percaya jek..
Last tgk hari tuh kecik mcm kelkatu jek rupa kat screen..
Ni dah ade mcm bentuk baby tapi takde la complete form lagik..
Enough for doctors tu make out where's the head, legs, hands etc..

Doctor: See this.. this here is the hand and the feet..
Dot: Seeing only black screen with white lump (my baby).. Okay doctor..

Hahahha.. if you say so doctor..
Akak tak nampak sgt sebenarnye :P

Baby's growing as it should be..
Syukur Alhamdulillah..
Heartbeat's great..
Doctor kata kalau nak miscarriage heartbeat akan baby akan drop.. But mine was perfect..
Again.. syukur alhamdulillah..
So doctor check everything and dia puas hati la..
Everything is good.. :)

Mummy and daddy can't stop smiling..

And according to Dr. Navdeep,
dr. Dev has already put me under maximum precaution pon..
With the proluton jabs and the duphaston tablets..
Sama mcm diorang bagi ivf patients diorang..

Esok nye pegi jumpa Dr Dev plak..
Kali nih doctor Dev buat transvagina scan (TVS).. Sbb nak tgk ade bleeding ke takde..
Thru tummy scan mmg tak nampak..

Bila buat TVS.. Again, everything's fine and great with the baby..
But there's still bleeding..
And my fibroid has grown to 3 cm now..

Ad fibroid nih berebut darah ngan baby.
So Dr. Dev kata kena continue ngan injections every 3 days..
Baiklah doctor.. I'll do anything that i can for my baby..

And since I've been bleeding for the past 2 weeks now.
Sebab based on last scan 2 weeks ago pon doctor detect bleeding jugak..
Doctor kasik 2 weeks mc suh rehat kat umah..

2 weeks mc youols!!
Sila jeles.. ahahhahaha..

So here I am..
Makan tido lepak kacau Hiro..
No more bleeding or spotting episod so far..
Maybe sbb aku dok rehat jek kat umah kan..

Dr. Dev kata kalau ade spotting even fresh blood skali pon..
Jgn risau.. sbb mmg kita tau ade bleeding dalam tuh..
And it has to come out eventually (if it is not being absorb back by my body)..
Tapi at any time kalau aku rase tak sure or worried, datang jek jumpa dia..
Did i mentioned i love my doctor? hehehe

So there you go..
I'm about 8 weeks now.. (kalau ikut last period day is about 9 weeks dah)..
Hopefully everything will continue to be awesome..
In Syaa Allah.. Amin..