Yesterday I got another spotting episode.
Pehtu terus rase mcm ade mild cramping.
Tapi mcm tak berapa sure sgt, ye ke cramping nih?
Ke angin? Ke aku nak terberak? Huhuhu.
Husband offer nak bawak pi sepital..
Tapi iols kata let's not panic.
My motherly instinct (wah gittew) told me that the baby's fine..
Lagipon esok pagi mmg nak pegi jumpa Dr. Dev pon..
So let's just wait until tomorrow..
So i put myself on bed/home rest today..
Naseb la kerja2 yg menimbun kat office tuh..
Kesian boss aku sebab team dia semua on mc..
2 of my collegue baru lps tonsil surgery..
Iols plak due to pregnancy..
Since ni spotting lagik ade harapan doctor extend mc aku sampai lepas 1st trimester besok..
Hari nih i attempted to work from home..
In between the nausea and the laziness..
Hopefully boleh la..
Daripada tadik asek procrastinate :P
And since yesterday takde spotting dah which is good..
Maybe yesterday my body was telling me to slow down..
Sebab kalau pegi keja biasa la dengan discussions, dengan back to back meetings, ngan kerja lagik..
And iols kalau dah keja tak sedar diri sikit.. Huhuhu..
But lucky i got the nausea..
At least takde la risau sgt pasal baby..
Nowadays hari2 confirm muntah.
Tak banyak sikit..
Keep growing healthy baby..
Mummy will see you tomorrow okay..
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