Monday, February 4, 2013

My 1st Trimester

1.  I am 12 weeks pregnant now. (13 weeks if you count my 1st day of last period)
2.  People said morning sickness generally taper off by the time one entered 2nd trimester.
3.  Today is my first day of 2nd trimester.
4.  I still got "morning", "afternoon" and "evening" sickness.
5.  I think people lied in point #2. Pffttt!
6.  Since last 2 weeks, I've been puking at least 3-4 times a day.. Once in the morning during toothbrushing activity, once after breakfast, once after lunch, once in the evening after tea, once after dinner.. On my good days, I will managed to keep down at least one of my meals during the day.. Alhamdulillah..
7.  People said that nausea and vomitting is a sign that the baby's healthy. Please God let that be true. I don't mind vomitting 4 times a day if this means that my baby is happy and healthy.
8.  People also said that my "morning-all-day-sickness" is all in the mind.
9.  I feel like boxing their ears when they said point #8 to me.  T_____T
10.  Trust me, this is not something I made up all in my mind. Who wanted to puke so many times in one day. Even a bullimic will salute me :P
11.  At least I don't have fatigue. Energy level is normal, but i do tend to be tired after too much puking in a day.
12.  I think I can control my crankiness and mood swings. But my husband might tell you otherwise. Hehe.
13.  My tummy has started showing enough for people you knew I'm pregnant to notice. Other people might think that I have masalah kegemukan.
14.  To tell you the truth, i think it is partially due to my pre-existing masalah kegemukan.. But maybe I shud keep that to myself :P
15.  Before my pregnancy, kalau perut jauh kedepan, still boleh cover kalau tahan nafas (especially time nak amik gambar). Tapi sekarang tak boleh dah. Takde beza tahan nafas ke tak melainkan rase tak cukup oksigen saje.
16.  No cravings yet thus far.. What to crave if I keep on puking right. My objectives nowadays is just to make sure i don't puke back my food.
17.  I no longer eat spicy foods cause it is not a good feeling to puke back spicy food!! (lesson learnt the hard way. huhuhu)
18.  Today i (think) i took the last of my proluton jabs. Hopefully my fibroid will not be bothering my precious baby anymore.
19.  I wear fitflop to work now. Eventho my fitflops are more expensive than all of my Vincci work shoes, I still look so selekeh. But i don't really care. :P
20.  I tried shopping for flat shoes in Vincci one day. But i hate them all and I ended up buying another stiletto instead. Huhu..
21. Can't wait to see my baby this Wednesday. :)
22.  My cats (especially) Hiro still sleeps with me everyday. He's such a good boy. I will blog about pregnancy vs. cats in another post okay.
23.  My husband forbids me to drive since we know of our pregnancy. I hope I will not lose my samseng jalanan skills due to lack of practice.
24.  I think I'll stop for now.
25.  Please pray for me and my baby's health. Amin.


  1. awwwww.......good news from my friends near and far for 2013!amin sha allah moga semuanya dipermudahkan:) tip(coming from a person-moi, yg kalu pregnant je mcm2 masalah ada.4 months of all day sickness,high BP,unpaid leave adalah common sbb xleh visits..alalalalal)do not eat spicy food kalau prone to kembung/ will only make it worst. and yes puking it out lagi la.
    but whatever it is, enjoy the journey. it will be worth it in the me.kalau tak, tak klua dah number 2 walopon mcm2 hal masa number 1 kan:)apa2 pun semua rezeki dariNya. semua ada bahagian memasing. keep up your positive attitude, and buat'deek' je pada yg sinis. i had been called elephant masa pregnant(admittedly i gained 30kgs masa but it's mean.but i also know i can get back to my normal shape.huh.(eh teremo lak.eheheh)

    babies are a bless.keep safe u guys!:))
