Sunday, April 14, 2013

6 months & a fibroid

Hello week 24 :)

Last saturday we to see Dr. Dev again.
Cause mummy had a consistent pain my right side pelvic area.
Kalau duduk lama or jalan lagik la extra sakit..
Actually nak dekat seminggu dah sakit.
Memula tuh tahan la jugak kan..
Tapi lepas tu tak ilang2 pon sakit tuh mummy risau la plak..

So we went to see the doctor again..

So what's causing the pain?

As expected --> My fibroid

Doctor said it's "degenerating"
Owk owhhh..
I read in the internet kalau fibroid degenerate pain level adelah 10! *gulp*

Tapi doctor kata it's still mild..
Kalau teruk baru kena warded *gulp*
Basically it means that the fibroid is growing faster the the blood supply..
So bila "dia" tak cukup darah tuh yg sakit tuh.. Huhu..

Doctor kata jgn risau..
Aside from mummy being in pain.. It's not in anyway bothering you baby dot..
That is all mummy needed to hear anyway..

So doctor pon tanak recommend any painkillers for the time being..
Instead he prescribe me 1 week MC suh berehat jek!
Did you hear that baby?
1 weekkkkk... wehuuuuu..

But I wont be utilizing the whole 1 week baby..
Mummy kena pulun buat keja before we celebrate your arrival soon..
Tapi dah doctor suh berehat.. rugi la plak tak mc langsung kan..
So today that's what we gonna do..

Berehat kat umah on a monday..
Best.monday.ever! :)

Keep kicking baby..

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